
Recent my life

Recently I watch TV.
I have been watching TV all day.
I like music program and comedy program and drama.
I watch MTV on TV.My favorite artists are Linkinpark,Fall Out Boy,Madonna,Ne-yo...They are very cool.
I'm Japanese so I can't sing their song.haha^^

Recently I am addicted to comedy.I think Japanese comedy is very very funny.Especialy I like NON STYLE.They are very funny and amazing!!I have been watching their Manzai on YOUTUBE.Please check it up!!

January starts new drama.I want to watch LOVE SHUFFLE.I really want to watch DAIGO.haha^^

Anyway,I like TV.How about you?
I think Japanese TV program is very amazing!!

By the way I want to go to karaoke with someone.
I want to sing a song.I want to reduce stress.
I often sing RADWIMPS and ARASHI.Do you know?
Would you go to karaoke with me?haha

3 件のコメント:

  1. hi!!
    i like TV too.
    but i don't watch recently.
    i want to go to karaoke with you♪♪
    let's go there during spring vacation!!
    ika ika ika----☆

  2. i like radwimps very much,too!
    someday i want to live★
    and shall we go to karaoke?
    let's sing a radwimps song!!!
    oh,i know arashi's song a little^^hahaha

    you must be ニート(´д`)

  3. I wish I could sing Japanese songs! I can sing a lot of Fall Out Boy and Linkin Park's songs, but they often sing so fast I can see why it might be difficult, lol...
